Friday 22 January 2016

The Digital Age

Part of the reason why I had chosen the camera role is because of the feedback I have received for the documentary ‘The Digital Age’, knowing I could drastically improve. 

'Some shots are out of focus, in particular the interview with Judith. Some evidence of colour balance inconsistency. However a good creative use of sequences and use of timelapse.'

Based on these points, I decided to pay attention to achieving sharper focus and more consistent lighting for our film 'Child Eyes'. 

I realised that the lack of focus in some of my shots were due to not making use of the focus function on the Black Magic Cinema Camera. I learnt that by pressing the focus button, the areas that are in focus appear in bright green on the camera screen, allowing you to adjust what you want to focus accordingly on the focus wheel at the front. A reliable indicator that a person is in focus is if their eyes are marked in green

The lighting was also inconsistent in the documentary as we were in a room, whereby the lights kept getting dimmer on its own. In 'Child Eyes', Dedolights will be used instead, with a fairly consistent lighting arrangement and style throughout film. 

Colour balance: 
Concerning the colour balance, I will manually set the colour temperature settings according to the chart, in order for the colours to be represented accurately

Lower colour temperatures (up to 3000K) are called warm white colours and range from red to yellowish-white in tone. The higher the colour temperature, the bluer the image becomes. 

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