Sunday 24 January 2016

Editing the shot list- Condensing

Before filming commenced, the producer (Natalie) and I were aware that my shot list included far too many shots, which would realistically not be possible to film in the limited time period we had. 

At times, I put way too much emphasis on  scenes that were less interesting and didn't need as much coverage. For example, I noted down 10 different shot types for the scene where Michael is walking home. I found this was unnecessary and would be too time consuming, leaving us with less time to film the more vital scenes for our story. I realised Rose (Editor) wouldn't need as many shots to cut to in a scene like this and emphasising too much on Michael walking would be dull, uninteresting and provide a very amateur look to our film, which is what we all wanted to avoid. Likewise, I had included too many shots within all the other scenes. I realised that within films, there are about 3 different shots within each scene, so I began to go through each scene, selecting only 3 different camera set-ups for each one, which was more realistic and also gave Rose sufficient coverage

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