Wednesday 13 January 2016


Lenses is another area in which I didn't pay particular attention to until the lecture on advanced camera techniques with Stephen Hay. I now realise how the use of different lenses can create a major different look and feel for a film. Lenses vary from wide angle lenses: 16mm-35mm to telephoto lenses: 50mm-100mm. 

However, the affect of these lenses are dependent on a cameras crop factor, which is a term I became familiar with in the lecture. The Black Magic Cinema Camera's crop factor is roughly      x 2.88. In this sense, the same lens will have a different effect on a full frame sensor than it will do on a crop sensor. Therefore, when choosing lenses for our film, I have to consider the camera's crop factor

How my research impacted the process: 

  • Due to the dream like nature of our film, whereby Michael reconnects with his inner child, I feel that it would be appropriate to use a shallow depth of film, thus choosing telephoto lenses
  • Additionally, using telephoto lenses, which enable the audience to concentrate more on the main character Michael and his mental state
  • However, I have to be considerate to the Black Magic Camera's crop factor (x 2.88). This means that when using a standard 35mm, it will be equivalent to a higher number lens.  

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