Sunday 24 January 2016

Coming up with an alternative ending for 'Child's Eyes'

Current ending to our film: 
Michael spends the day with a young boy (his younger self) and can't find him the next morning. He realises that the boy was a part of his imagination and puts a home video of himself as a child, reconnecting with his inner child. 

Discussion with John Edmonds: 

After our group had a discussion with John Edmonds, he made us aware that some people may perceive the young boy as the memory of Michael's deceased son. However, Lauren (director) intended to communicate the idea that the young boy was a memory of Michael's younger self.

My proposed ending: 
Michael adventures through nature with the young boy (his younger self) and when they come home they play Hide and Seek. When Michael looks for the boy, he doesn't find him but instead finds a box of childhood items hidden at the bottom of his closet. Michael sits on his bed, in front of the mirror and looks through these items. He smiles and makes silly faces towards the mirror and his reflection is of that young boy, imitating exactly the same actions, which is clearly his younger self.

Confirming the ending: 
After proposing this idea to the group, they were all happy to include this new ending, as it had more clarity than the original ending.

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