Friday 22 January 2016

Editing and transitions

Researching about editing processes and key techniques enabled me to think about the coverage required for the editor (Rose)
  • Objective shot- the camera sees the scene from an angle not seen by a character in the scene. 
  • Subjective shotA shot taken from the perspective of a character, usually known as a point of view shot.  
  • Master shot (cover shot)usually a medium to wide angle shot of a scene that runs for the entire duration of the action.
  • Establishing shotThis is typically a wide shot of a location, which is used to set the scene.
The Revenent (2016)

  • Coverage- This refers to the variety of camera angles used for a particular scene aside from the master shot
  • Set-upcamera moves to different set ups, requires re-positioning and relighting
  • Off screen (OS)A description of what is heard but not seen on the screen
  • Reaction shotShows a characters reaction, usually presented as a close-up
  • Cutaway- Relating to a cut made to what hasn't been seen in the master shot
  • Jump cut- Two sequential shots, of the same subject with very little difference in camera set-up
  • Match cut or match dissolve- A cut between two different objects, which are graphically and visually similar
  • Reverse angle- The camera is placed in the opposite direction to the previous shot 
 How this research informed the process: 

I realised that as the cinematographer, my responsibility was to provide the editor (Rose) with sufficient and varying coverage for her to make cuts and also have the creative control to choose, which shots to use. 

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